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Start Feeling Better
Just imagine what it would be like to feel better, and enjoy your life more. Having a healthy lean body, or no longer smoking, or feeling more confident really is possible. Also, wouldn’t it be great to be sleeping better, and feeling less stressed? It is possible to have these and more with the help of Ashland Hypnotherapy. You will find it can happen much easier and faster than you might believe.
So why is it so hard to make the changes on your own? Have you had the greatest intentions to improve something in your life, but then notice that before you knew it your ‘Will Power’ falls short? Or possibly you never even start, like not getting to the gym like you intended to.
I hear you, and you aren’t alone, as this happens all the time. If you are relying on sheer ‘Will Power’ or ‘Internal Motivation’ to make the changes you want, you will be struggling unnecessary and will probably get poor results. That’s because our subconscious mind influences approximately 80-95% of our thoughts, words and actions. If your subconscious mind isn’t on board with the changes you want to make, you will find yourself sabotaging your best efforts.
OK, so how do you get the subconscious mind on board? Hypnosis is a powerful tool to do just that. And when you include Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/Tapping) your results will skyrocket and you will find that you will easily and quickly make those changes that you want in your life.
Nancy offers hypnosis, hypnotherapy and EFT for the Ashland, Oregon and the surround areas including Talent, Phoenix, Medford, Central Point, Grants Pass and Klamath Falls and more. She also offers sessions by phone for clients outside the Southern Oregon area. For a free phone consultation call or text 541-840-4908 or email at nancy@ashlandhypnosis.com.